The heinz is a 6 selection wager consisting of 57 bets: 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds and a six-fold accumulator. Named after the 57 varieties Heinz company slogan, this 57 bet wager is a full cover bet that combines every permutation of the 6 selections into a single wager.
In a Super Heinz bet at least two of your seven selections must be successful to get any payout. The trebles, fourfolds, fivefolds, sixfolds and sevenfolds mean that if you get more than two winners your returns begin to jump in big increments as more of the multiple bets win.
Cloudbet is a growing online betting platform that already has over 100,000 players worldwide. However, it's banned in several countries, including the US, the UK, and Hong Kong. But don't worry because there's an easy way around this problem.