According to Lawler, a rough version of the song was initially titled "In Your Head", which was included in the band's live set; it was then later revised to "Zombie".
First off, in the old movies, the word Zombie was snicker inducing. If you're trying to be serious, and someone on screen says Zombie, all pretense of seriousness is gone. Then and now, 'Zombi' is a funny sounding word to English speakers.
According to research, the survival fatality rate for pedestrians struck by a vehicle traveling at 40 mph is around 15% a stark difference when compared to the 90% survival rate for pedestrians killed larger vehicles, at around 20 mph up to 30 mph.
Car Accidents Causing Injuries? Over two million people are hurt in traffic accidents every year. As noted above, Esurance says your odds of getting involved in a car accident are one crash out of 366 for every 1,000 miles distance driven. Some car crashes cause minimal damage with a slight chance of dying.