In a strange town near the Himalayas, Xavier encounters an alien calling himself Lucifer, the advance scout for an invasion by his race, and foils his plans. In retaliation, Lucifer drops a huge stone block on Xavier, crippling his legs.
The story of how Xavier was originally paralyzed was first told in X-Men #20 where Professor X recounts his battle with an alien called Lucifer in the Himalayas. During the fight Lucifer managed to crush Xavier's legs with a boulder, forcing him to use a wheelchair.
In "Home", Sam revealed to Dean that he had visions of Jessica's death before it happened, blaming himself for not telling her or doing something about it. This was also the secret that he used to summon Bloody Mary in the episode "Bloody Mary".
Sam Sweeney\n\n Jess played along and they began a no-strings-attached relationship, which continued after he found out she wasn't Katie. With time, their relationship went from casual to serious, but they broke up after he learned that Jess and Nick had kissed.